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Job Search Tips: How to Clean Up Your Social Media

Did you know that over 70% of employers screen candidates' social media profiles before hiring? If that statistic fills you will dread, it may be time to clean up your social media!

Your online presence is often the first point of contact between you and potential employers, so it is crucial that your social media profiles present the best version of you.

Not sure where to start? Keep reading to find out our top tips on how to clean up your social media, so that nothing holds you back from getting that dream job!


 1. Check your privacy settings

The first step you should take when cleaning up your social media is to check your sharing and privacy settings. You don’t necessarily have to make all of your profiles private; just consider what you want to share and with whom, then adjust your settings accordingly. It might also be a good idea to avoid accepting friend requests from people in your professional network.


2. Delete any inappropriate photos or posts

Photos of you partying at 18 or tweets ranting about uni work may have felt important to post at the time, but would you show them to your work colleagues now? If the answer’s no, you may want to think about doing a social media cleanse before you start your job search!

Make sure any images of drinking, partying or inappropriate behaviour are removed along with any posts containing personal information, explicit jokes or controversial opinions – don’t forget to check your tagged photos!

You don’t have to completely delete everything, though; you can archive Instagram photos, hide content from your Facebook timeline or change your settings to “only me” so that certain posts are private.

While you’re at it, make sure your profile and cover photos are professional and sensible as these are the first things hiring managers will see when they search your name on social media.

3. Deactivate old accounts

You may avoid looking at your embarrassing teenage YouTube vlogs or Instagram pics, but hiring managers won’t! So make sure you deactivate any old accounts, even if you think they are long gone – you’d be surprised at how much someone can find just from a simple Google search.


4. Google yourself

Leading on from that last point, an incognito Google search of your name can bring up some interesting information and images - you never know what Google will showcase as your best photos! So, it’s always worth giving yourself a quick search to catch things you may have forgotten about or not even realised were out there.


5. Check who you follow

Some hiring managers will also check to see who you are following on social media. Avoid following any inappropriate accounts or businesses, and consider hitting the follow button for a few work- or hobby-related accounts. This will help to show recruiters that you’re a passionate person whose interests align with their company, making you even more desirable for their position.


6. Make smart choices

Remember, your social media presence can make or break your job search. Before you post anything, think long and hard about whether it will match the online presence you’re looking to present. If a hiring manager brought up your post in an interview, would you be able to explain why you posted it?

You don’t have to erase all aspects of your personality; instead, focus on monitoring what you share and with whom.

Need some help with your job search? Contact HRS today—our recruitment experts will help you to maximise your chances of landing that dream role.

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