Key Industry Sectors

Information Security and Data Protection Jobs

Data and Information security has never been a higher priority for organisations with the introduction of GDPR and numerous high profile cybercrime instances in recent years.

We apply technology in almost everything we do in our lives – we use technology at work, and we use it to extract materials and information. We use it for communication, both professionally and socially, we use it for transportation, learning, scaling businesses and so, so much more.

Technology and IT are changing rapidly and with that brings new risk to confidential data both related to individuals and the companies own IP. Furthermore, risks continue to intensify with emerging technologies that provide access to company data, whether residing on remote devices or on the network.

Data Information Security Jobs

The way an organisation protects their own and others data varies but areas that we can support include:

  • Network Security and compliance
  • CISSP certified professionals
  • Security Management Systems and Audits
GDPR regulations
ISO compliance
SIEM solutions
Security analysis

Data and Information Security Jobs FAQs

Is Data and Information Security a good career?

Information security overall is widely considered to be a very promising career path for a number of reasons, including:
  • High demand
  • Lucrative salaries
  • Flexible work hours

What are the key elements of information security?

There are many elements that are vital to information security, but there are three that are widely held to be principal: confidentiality, integrity, and availability. This trio of information security are commonly known as the CIA Triad.

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