Key Industry Sectors

Data Programming Jobs

Data Programming and software development touches almost all areas of the pharmaceutical and life sciences arenas. It is what drives innovation and allows almost all the equipment that we use to work whether we realise it or not

Huge advancements in cloud computing and open-source technology are allowing pharmaceutical and life sciences organisations to continually push the boundaries of what was previously possible in a highly regulated environment.

Data Programming and Software development is used to power the lab equipment we use, capturing the data we create, manufacturing processes, Document management and tracking, Data management and analysis, CRM/ERP.

Data Programming Jobs


We work across a large range of the software and programming languages used in the pharmaceutical and life sciences arena including but not limited to:

  • SAS
  • R
  • C, C++
  • SQL

Data Programming Jobs FAQs

What does a data programmer do?

There are many different tasks that can fall to a data programmer; their primary roles include the writing and documentation of computer programmes/software packages requiring the knowledge of software logic, various programming languages (such as Java and Python), and statistical programs to run analysis of data.

What careers call under data programming?

There are many different career titles that are based on the principles of data programming, including (but not limited to):
  • Software engineer
  • Data scientist
  • Computer systems analyst
  • Computer and information systems manager

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